Monday, December 26, 2011

Knit practice

One of my goals for 2012 is to become a proficient knitter. I love crochet and the things crochet can become. However there are some things that knit stitches and knit fabric can do that crochet can't. Knit fabric - stockinette stitch - is the familiar stitch we see on every sweater - commercial or handmade. You can't get that with crochet. So anyway - I want to expand my crafting repertoire to include knitting.

I was gifted a "How to Knit" DVD which I've spent a while watching this afternoon. I am somewhat familiar with knitting - having tried to learn several times in the past.

After time spent being a good pupil (using REPLAY many times), here is my first swatch (using VC yarn & size 10 needles). Garter stitch - stockinette stitch - 2x2 ribbing - and bind-off. Yay me! Who says you can't teach an old dog new tricks? Woof!

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