Saturday, November 28, 2009

The season has begun... the bad & the ugly

The dreaded season between Thanksgiving and NewYears has begun.

I find myself waking up around 4 in the morning and lying awake - thinking and thinking and thinking... things like: how am I going to afford christmas? how am I going to afford my real estate taxes? what on earth can I get my mom & dad? wonder how my surgery is going to go? how much will they make me pay up front for the surgery at Duke? what should I get Jessica? how am I going to afford christmas? and on and on... then I'll move on to my list of life failures: the multitude of ways I failed Anna - how I failed Jessica - what a rotten mom and grammy I am ... how selfish I am...

I don't "wish I'd done that differently" about stuff. It's done. I did what I did. Most of which was wrong - but I did it and there's no changing anything. I didn't realize I wouldn't have the time to "make things better" for Anna. I was just making it day to day. I didn't know my days with her would run out too soon.

4am turns into 6am. I still lie there with my thoughts flying around like 2yearolds running remote controlled airplanes. Zoom! Why did I do that? Zoom! What a mess I made of everything. Crash!

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Ida believe the river's up...

Leftovers from three days STRAIGHT of rain from Ida... This one is from today - the sky is some funny color? Blue???

These are from down on the bike path by the river. The path is closed (obviously) as it's under a coupla feet of water.

Friday, November 13, 2009


dreams - I've been remembering a lot of my dreams lately. I haven't been sleeping all that well, waking up a lot which is why, I suppose. Today was my Duke appt - but I woke up at 3a.m. two days ago in a panic "I forgot to go to DUKE!!!!!" and it was probably a full minute before I got awake enough to tell myself to calm down. Also - my last trip to Duke was 22 years ago - I had to have an amniocentesis when I was pregnant with Anna. I guess my subconscious has been pulling that back up, because I've dreamed I was back in those days several times. Once I was back in the house we were living in back then, with that husband. In another one, I was in the car with that husband back then and we were driving. In neither dream did the man talk - at all. Which was normal (he's not a conversationalist) at the same time being a good thing - when he does talk to me, it drives me mad. And there's a snippet of a dream with Anna and Jessica running around the backyard like they did when they were little - it was a sunny day - that was a very warm dream-ette.

nanowrimo - November, the month of writing a novel, is upon us. I spent the month of October trying to come up with an idea. Characters. a plot. I thought about books I enjoy reading - a wide spectrum including fantasy, sci fi, stephen king's horror, neil gaiman, michael chabon. My favorites are extremely well-plotted, normal-guy-in-extraordinary-circumstances stories. I don't have a story. I don't have any extraordinary circumstances that I want to throw characters into. I like to read. No - more than that - I LOVE TO READ. I surrender my idea of being the next Stephanie King. I can devote my energies to the books I love without wishing I could come up with some idea. It's kinda like the way I can watch the cooking shows without thinking I should be Top Chef. I feel relieved.

travel thoughts - I've spent many hours on the road lately. We took a pre-Duke trip last Saturday to find out where we were going. Then we went down for the real thing today. At this stage in my life, I'm comfortable with silence. There was a time when I thought every minute had to be filled with talk, how are you FEELING?, what are youTHINKING? Now, I am perfectly happy with long periods of just road noises. I like being able to filter through all the random crap that flows through my brain. This bf likes to drive, so I get ride for a change - which is great. I have voyeuristic tendencies, because I love looking in lighted windows, seeing what's going on in other people's lives - wondering who they are, how they live. I have to go back to Duke for pre-admit stuff on Dec 3rd, and I'm looking forward to the ride.

thanksgiving - what's the plan? tacos, anyone?

Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Howl-o-ween

E is John Lennon (not Harry Potter like crazy old Grammy guessed!)

My absolute favorite trick-or-treaters!

Those Richardson/Bradshaw kids sure are handsome/lovely.

See - hint hint, the peace sign...

Okay - HINT HINT - See Jessica's shirt!!

Thanks for coming to visit me!

As promised... books on shelves

Finally, I put my boxes of books up on my "made for me" bookshelves on either side of the "new to me" TV from my folks. Ya-hooo!
I've been watching football downstairs on that TV since I can actually see the ball. I find my attention drifting to how super the shelves look, and how great my room has finally come together. The flood was July 9th, and today, I'm done.