Friday, August 19, 2011


The best thing about noon on Friday is I'm that much closer to 4:00 on Friday! I have little actually PLANNED for this weekend, but I do want to make progress on my crochet projects (only four or five actively being worked on). I have to go to a WW Seminar in Lynchburg Saturday afternoon - but that means I have to go to Lynchburg where there's a Moe's and an A.C.Moore! Mexican food and yarn! YUM!

Some crafters are "process" guided, and some are "product" guided. For some of us, the pleasure is in the calming, mind-clearing repetition of stitches forming themselves into beauty. For others, it's all about the final product, then on to the next. I'd have to say that I'm right in the middle of both. My day is better when I include an hour or so (at least) of crochet. I can focus my mind on the task at hand (literally!). I watch the pattern design develop into a part of a larger part of a still larger item. Most of my WIPs (Works In Progress) are made of many smaller parts joined into sections that join into larger sections and finally join into the finished project. Then there's bordering and backing. But I definitely know how to be satisfied with the final afghan or scarf or whatever. Satisfaction = pleasure = contentment.

I had a rotten day yesterday. My afternoon at work was hair-pulling-frustration, followed by road rage, leading to a meltdown. Luckily I melted down all by myself - no one else got hit by the spatter of my fury. Then I did a strange thing: I changed into my shorts and walking shoes, and I hit the road. Perhaps the first couple of blocks, I was STOMPING more than walking, but then the heat of the day, the audiobook in my ears, the constant "one foot in front of another" took my 3-1/2 mile neighorbood loop and my rage and frustration and anxiety and fizzled it all away. By the time I got back home, all I was concerned with was a cold shower. The walk took the energy of a temper-tantrum (which is how I felt) and released the pressure valve. Best of all, after cooling down, I felt good enough to crochet!

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