Thursday, March 15, 2012

Marching ahead

I should be balancing my checkbook & paying bills right now. Yuck. Let me pretend the money in my bank account really belongs to me for a few more hours.

Instead, I've been surfing the net for knit & crochet blogs. Voila! Here's what I found!

The Third Annual Knitting & Crochet Blog Week! Coming up, right around the corner next week! So I've resolved to Do Something Blogworthy with my knitting and crochet. Post some pictures of my FO's (finished objects) - and WIPs (works in progress). I have been neglecting my poor blog - and I hereby promise to post more - especially during the celebration.

I get a bit sad when I follow other crafters' blogs - those who don't have to waste 9 or 10 hours of their day at unappealing, unpleasant, and all-around UN-FUN jobs. They post daily progress on projects - finished objects taking an afternoon, etc. If I were to post photos of my daily progress - it would be more of a "Wow! The stitch marker moved up a few rows!" Or worse, on the days when my time is spent starting a new block pattern (for example) - I could photograph the first three rounds - oops, then frogged back - then try again, find a major error on the first round - so that when my yarny time is done - I have frogged and restarted yet again.

Oh well. Perhaps my job requires I waste my life away at this desk, I'm crocheting in my heart.

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