Friday, April 24, 2009

The Real World ... yuck.

Walt Disney World is a truly magical place. I love it. Apparently, I go every ten or twelve years (not exactly a frequent visitor) - but my feelings are always the same: absolute, child-like delight around every corner. There are so many things to see - places to go - fireworks to watch - food to eat - music to hear - flowers to see and smell. I don't believe in heaven, but if I did, it would be like Epcot in DisneyWorld. Our one day NOT in Disney was spent at Clearwater Beach, FL - my first time on the Gulf side of Florida. I played in the water, watched the kids have fun, got a great sunburn. Happiest moment while I was in Florida: when James surprised Jessica. Happiest moment back in NC and VA: when Chuck surprised ME at the airport after protesting that he just couldn't meet our flight - that he had a church picnic to go to - that he didn't know the area - that he'd see me when I got home. I had given up hope of a surprise, decided I wasn't as important as a church picnic, sighed and resigned myself to riding home with Jes & Elisha, Mel and Noah. And there he was. I've heard some cliche about a heart bursting with joy or something like that ... my heart didn't burst, but came near to overflowing with happiness. Apparently I AM as important as a church picnic after all. {picture me with GIANT GRIN!} He continues to shower me with attention and affection, care and tenderness. Not sure what I did to deserve him, but I'm hanging on!

After rejoining the real world at work Monday, my special project all finished, I was floundering for something to do & my boss seemed not too concerned. The reason for that, I found out Tuesday, was that management was laying off fifteen people from the facility where I work. I was very close to two of those let go, and I'm very sad about that. I miss them and their smiles and craziness that helps the workday pass. Jobs were shuffled around to cover the loss of three people from my department - and I wound up with my old job back. Full circle. ho hum.

I am trying to figure out a way to post Florida pictures here - or at least link to them. I took over two hundred photos myself (plus Jes and Lesa and Mel taking pictures too!). There are many shots of the Epcot geodesic sphere, because you just can't HELP taking pictures of it! And Cinderella's castle looms in most Magic Kingdom shots. This is the URL for my Disney album at Snapfish:

1 comment:

Donna said...

Hi Jenn, long time since I `ve seen you.....I was just running around on the net and happened upon 360 and saw your name and wondered what ever happened to Jenn? So I looked.. (Smile) So glad to know you are doing well and are happy! Just wanted to say hello....I`ve missed you.. Your Old Friend from Yahoo, Donna