Monday, December 26, 2011

What to Do?

I'm feeling unsettled. All my crochet efforts came to a crashing crescendo with my Xmas efforts. I finished a book ("Port Mortuary") Xmas eve so I could pass it on to Ashley that night. I watched the last episode of last years "Dexter" whi le crocheting furiously before Xmas.

No book. No DVD series. No crochet project deadline. Nothing at all on my To Do list. It's been months since there was no project to complete. Unsettled.

I still have yarn (stash, we call it). I was gifted three new books, and have chosen the next to read. Three non-series DVDs have arrived (Netflix sent me an extra for Xmas!). So it's not lack of materials unsettling me.

It's the knowledge that once I choose yarn & pattern, once I read Page One - I'm off in To Do land again - something to finish.

I'm savoring the lack of a task for a day or two - but I'm itching to undertake a new project - to see where hook & yarn will take me - to see where my books will lead. I think I'll go pore over patterns for a while - choices need to be made.

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