Friday, February 28, 2014

February - the month that closed down CIT!

For a short month, February packed a lot of excitement.  Snow closed CIT for TWO days before Presidents Day, so I had a FIVE DAY WEEKEND!!!  So I crocheted!  And read & snuffled the doggies!
My February crafting shows my decision to make baskets!  Big & small.  I used my BAM CAL squares for HPKCHC & NerdWars projects.  I made a baby blanket for a dorm mate in Ravenclaw.
Here's my Babette OWL at 50% in the snow!

The BAM CAL blanket joined.  I decided I want another row, so that's on my to-do list for March.

And this is the bright & beautiful beginning to Beth's baby blanket!  (She won't see this?)

Yay for March bringing Warmth & sunlight to my neck of the woods!

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