Wednesday, August 22, 2012


After the Ravellenic Games finished, and my projects were all submitted for medals, I found myself in an unusual situation.  I had nothing in progress!  That was such a shock to me that I immediately sat down with my iPad and Ravelry and a blank Notepad page and started planning.   First was the baby blanket for a co-worker due in September.  I decided on a Baby Babette in Blues & gathered yarn for that - and included my spreadsheet of random generated color choices for the rounds of that blanket. How else would a nerd proceed?  This weekend I made the first of five sections.

Then I thought of the Southern Comfort Maltese Rescue,  SCMR , where our much loved Bella and Lucky came to us from.  Their website solicits donations of money, time, and supplies.  I found their link to the Snuggles Project which has patterns for knitted and crocheted snuggle blankets for dogs and cats awaiting adoption.  Great!  I pulled a skein of bulky weight yarn from my stash for a crocheted snuggle blankie.

I  might as well get some knitting practice in, so I grabbed another bulky skein to make a knitted snuggle blanket.  

And I've been wondering what to make with that wool yarn I dyed with grape and cherry koolaid. Hmmm.  How about another knitted hat?  Sure!

WHEW!  Disaster averted!  I don't have to panic that there's no project for me to pick up & work on.  The planning and gathering yarn, hook/needle, and pattern - putting them all together in a ziploc bag inside a tote bag - that takes a lot of thought and consideration.  Now it's on to the easier part - pick up bag & GO!

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