Monday, July 23, 2012

Babies arrive!

Ever since the Buckners got Hank, I've been considering getting a dog.  I have adored spending time with Hank.  He always makes me smile, and it has warmed my heart to have someone so exuberantly happy to see me!  All I have to do is walk in the door, and Hank is springing up and down thrilled to see me. 
Where else do you get that kind of reaction?

A co-worker had a dog to adopt out - Chuck & I got all excited about it - then the deal fell through.  We were really disappointed about it.  That's when we realized we were absolutely ready for a dog.  I started surfing dog rescue websites, because the breed, sex, age of the dog weren't as important as providing a home for a dog that desperately needed it.  My sister had just adopted a rescue Jack Russell after her much loved Twister had died.  I knew in general terms what I wanted:  small, fluffy, not-yappy, not puppy.  I found "Eugene" on the Southern Comfort Maltese Rescue website, and he was being fostered in Eden, NC (only about 30 minutes away).  I filled out the application and expressed my interest, but kept looking in case he wasn't available.  Then I got an email saying Eugene had bonded very closely with another Maltese at the same foster home, and they didn't want to separate the two.  Chuck said that was fine - let's get BOTH and not separate them.  I was hesitant - TWO dogs?  But they'd keep each other company while we're at work, and I wouldn't have to feel guilty about leaving a single dog alone during the day.

We notified the SCMR that we would take Eugene and his friend, Furgy -- we said we were eager to get them.  We filled out forms, set up a home visit to be sure we who we said we were.  I went to Eden to meet them Thursday.   Chuck built a big fenced-in area in our back yard.  I went shopping for dog food, toys, treats, a dog bed, carrier, etc!  I cleaned house for their arrival.

On Sunday, Chuck & I went to bring our new babies home.  We'd chosen new names for them (since they'd only had Eugene & Furgy since they'd been rescued): 
Bella and Lucky. 
Chuck and I both adore them, and we have trouble not holding them or petting them constantly.  They are skittish and a bit afraid of us - they shy away from us, but then they're find once we're holding them - not shaking in fear or fighting to get free.  I am thrilled with our new babies. Even though it will take them some time to get used to us, and us to them -- I'm very happy and satisfied with the new members of our family.

1 comment:

Shar43 said...

So glad you took both of them. We adopted 2 Bichon brothers from a Bichon rescue about 5 years ago. They slept curled together; Felix stayed to himself but Oscar had to be touching one of us. Then Felix started liking me, but not hubby. It actually took him a couple of YEARS to love hubby and now they're the best of friends. It only takes a little time for them to adjust to your home and schedule, and you will find yourself welcomed home joyfully - even if you only went to the mailbox and back!!!