I've walked in several 5Ks since I've been seriously walking for exercise in the past three years or so. The Danville Running & Fitness Club has a series of seven races they use to tally scores for those of us who have no shot at winning a race. Points are awarded on finishing position in the seven races and combined for the year's total. I'm hoping to compete in all seven races with fairly decent times - also hoping the women in my age group have to miss a race or two - giving me the chance to swoop in and WIN WIN WIN!!! There's no prize, of course - just recognition. But it's my best shot at the WIN WIN WIN.
So yesterday was St Patricks Day - and the Shamrock 5K. I posted a good time of 46:42 which I am very pleased with. Now I just have to show up and finish the other six races in the series, and I may have a chance to be a Winner! Please keep the comments about "You're a winner Just for Participating!" to yourselves. Winner means Winner, not Participator - it's not the Special Olympics.
I did realize as I trudged as fast as I could over the course - the lovely Danville River Walk trail - that racing takes the fun out of walking. I try to walk at least 3 times a week - in my neighborhood, on the River Walk trail - for exercise. I am listening to the the "Game of Thrones" series of books on my iPhone earbuds while I walk, and I get entranced in the story - laughing at funny parts, even crying at sad parts - but it takes my mind off the fact that I'm walking walking walking walking... Racing, however, required me to concentrate - to focus - to push myself faster than usual - to listen to my 80s aerobic mix music to keep my pace up - to try and catch the lady in my age group who was ahead of me (and finished ahead of me too). Not so much fun. More like work. Work sucks. And I paid to do it! Oh well - keeping my eye on the WIN WIN WIN!
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