Friday, October 30, 2009

Me vs. the medical community...

My frustration with the medical system is at an all time high. I feel like a ping-pong ball sent back and forth between doctors, with increasingly dire diagnoses, and patient care coming to a basic halt. I’m so very frustrated at what’s happening and NOT happening to me.

The chronology –
April 9th Annual OB appt – Dr Lahti sent me to Dr Mahmoud due to increased hormone levels (no big deal)
June 23rd Appt with Dr Mahmoud was cancelled – no one contacted me to reschedule – I found out the appt was cancelled when I called to confirm the appt.
Sept 15th Rescheduled with Dr Mahmoud who sent me for blood work
Sept 30th Dr Mahmoud’s concerns with blood work results, ordered CT Scan & sonogram; Sent me back to Dr Lahti – now concerned with “mass” on left ovary
Oct 28th Dr Lahti’s concerns to send me to Duke
Nov 11th Consultation appt at Duke OB/Oncology dept

After speaking to the Duke OB/Oncologist office, surgeries are backed up with liklihood of any possible surgery AFTER Christmas. I realize nothing can or will be done about this. I’m just terribly frustrated. If I could remove the ovary, I would. If there were a WalMart surgery, I’d have it. Just take it out NOW – why make me wait two or three months – to give whatever it is plenty of time to spread? How am I supposed to feel about this? Furious and frustrated - which are my emotions of choice. I need to take a deep breath and get over it.

1 comment:

Maggie27377 said...

Have you tried other medical centers? There is NC Baptist in Winston and Moses Cone in Greensboro. I transcribed once for Baptist and they are like Duke's twin sibling or something. Very well respected, highly regarded, great reputation. In fact, if I ever have any really major, I'll prbably go to Baptist instead of Duke. Shorter waiting period to get seen. Moses Cone is a smaller hospital, but is a level 3 or 4 trauma center. They are VERY well respected too in NC. I just know if this were me, I wouldn't wait, but then again, I don't usually wait on anything medical ...even when I have a sniffle, I go to the doctor. I believe in NIP IT IN THE BUD. Give 'em what for girl and tell then you are NOT going to WAIT! I get so PISSED at doctor's, mostly male, who tell a woman to WAIT... I've heard docs tell women with booby lumps to "let's wait and watch." I'm like OH HELLLLLL NO. It's my body, no I won't! but, that's just me! But, I just can't say enough GOOD things about Baptist in Winston. Check it out maybe.