Thursday, July 9, 2009

Splish Splash

I had a lucky day. Really I did.
I put two little rugs in my washing machine to wash this morning before I left for work. They were still going as I went out the door. Unknown to me, the water hose from the house to the washing machine burst. It started spewing water full force. Nobody home to watch the pretty waterfall.
LUCKY FOR ME my fella drove by my house about two hours later. He saw water pouring onto my carport and figured I'd left the garden hose on by accident. LUCKY FOR ME he came in and turned off the water. LUCKY FOR ME he called me at work and said, "You need to come home NOW!" LUCKY FOR ME I was able to leave work immediately and come home to manage damage control. LUCKY FOR ME my homeowners insurance is paid up. There was about four inches of water standing on my downstairs floors/carpet. Squish Squish Squish!

LUCKY FOR ME I called a company to come and get the water up. They were here in thirty minutes or so with shopvacs and dehumidifiers and big fans. They took up the carpet because they said it would never dry out (it's on tile-covered concrete).

Here's the new look for my den... LUCKY FOR ME I get new flooring downstairs.
I should play the lottery - it's my lucky day!

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