Deep dark depression, excessive misery-y!
If it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all!
Gloom, despair and agony on me-e-e!"
Those of you old enough to remember “HeeHaw” (the climax of 1960’s Saturday night TV that started with “Lawrence Welk” and “The Porter Wagner Show”) will remember the folks in bib-overalls sitting around sharing their stories of bad luck and no luck. They were funny stories because they were happening to somebody else. They were silly stories like the blonde being trapped in a sinking convertible sinking because she couldn’t get the windows down. Ah, comedy.
However, I’d have to say that my past ten days or so would’ve qualified me for a spot on the show. Of course, I’d start with the burst water hose last Thursday. That disaster caused me to lose hot water for nearly a week. I’ve had the disappointment of not being able to choose to put a wood laminate floor throughout the downstairs. When I thought the floors were drying out as needed (thanks to constantly working dehumidifiers and fans), I was told my existing linoleum kitchen floor will have to come up as well, because it is not drying out as it will have to before the floor is re-covered.
My main source of relaxation has been my increasing obsession with “FarmTown” – a silly little farm simulation game on Facebook. And yes, I’ve been wasting far too much time playing (and letting my stress slip away). Then I turned up on Tuesday with the “Koobface” virus on my computer and spent several frustrating hours trying to fix that. I WANT MY FARMTOWN!! I have to check my crops – my rooster – my pig & sheep!!
Then came my Thursday night out with the most handsome fellow in the world. I picked up Elisha from daycare, and he went with me to my haircut appointment. He thought the beauty shop really smelled bad (it smelled like perms), but he enjoyed watching me getting my eyebrows RIPPED out. From there, he chose our restaurant – McDonalds. After loading up on carbs and fat grams and grease, we headed out to my car. I pulled out of the parking spot and pulled back INTO the parking spot – realizing I had a flat tire. Hmphf. I called my bf repeatedly with no answer. Hmphf. Who could I call to help me? Here’s where being a “helpless female” causes problems. I knew I couldn’t change the tire. It’s been about twenty years since I tried unsuccessfully to change a tire (PapaDoc, Ramona’s daddy, saved me then). Hmphf. In the heat. At least two hundred degrees with Elisha jumping around – “can I see the flat tire?” “why is it flat?” “I’m thirsty!” So I called Jessica’s bf, James. He came to my rescue. I’m not really good at the damsel in distress thing, but he sure is great as the knight in shining armor. He fixed me up (dry-rotted valve stem on the tire!!!) and sent us on our way.
Sigh. So now I have now yielded to more experienced minds explaining that laminate just cannot hold up to the moisture in a bathroom. Okay – I can go with that. My contractor will put a ceramic tile in the bathroom, but I’m going with laminate throughout the rest. Apparently something I did made the computer virus go away, because last night I was able to get back to my serious online farming, thank goodness!
Blanche DuBois may have “depended on the kindness of strangers,” but I have relied heavily on my bf and Jessica’s bf this week. I am greatly in their debt. Here’s hoping I’m moving out from under the black cloud of bad luck, so they can get back to whatever knights in shining armor do when they’re not rescuing damsels in distress. Fire-breathing dragons had better watch out!