How bizarro is this? I've been awake since about 4 o'clock this morning thinking about the "new job." Wondering if I will like it or if it will be just a shade toooooo tedious even for nerd me. My friends laugh when I call myself a nerd. They don't see me as a nerdy girl - because thankfully my parents paid for orthodontia when I was a child and because I was able to fake interests in things outside Star Trek and Star Wars and shows on TV like "How it's made." But how else would you explain that in the days before spellcheck, Ramona would call me - from out of state at times - to ask how to spell a word? Or that when some people at work hear "Excel spreadsheet" they cringe in terror while I get a lascivious grin on my face? I have done as my sister says and "embraced my inner nerd." It's who I am.
Re: my dating life... I realize (also around 4a.m. this morning) that I really doubt my judgement about men. After the utter fiasco that was 2008, I have decided to err on the side of caution and go really really slow. My abilities to trust and believe have been shattered - from the time we lost Anna forward. I know "baggage" is a bad thing in relationships - but what if I call it "life experience"?? oh well - he's not rushing me, so why should I rush me???
I've got an hour before I have to get up for work, so I think I'll go back to bed and hope for a nap.
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