I understand my dark heart is in a different place than most. Jessica wanted me to read 'The Shack' by William Young. She says she'd hoped I'd read it with an open mind. I tried to. Really, I did try not to hate it from the beginning. For starters, the book could've used a good editor! Pages and pages could have been deleted without affecting the story. Perhaps the Readers Digest version would be better. I read the story of Mack's family - the loss of their youngest daughter, Missy, to a serial killer - and the family members' individual ways of dealing with their loss. I empathized with them; I know that pain. I understood Mack's anger and guilt - the feeling of abandonment.
And then came the dreaded god stuff. How blah-blah-blah we're supposed to love each other, forgive each other, be in relationship with each other as god wants to be in relationship with us, blah blah blah... And the answer to Mack's honest question about god's involvement in what happened to his daughter? Yes, god could have stopped it, but didn't for reasons we can't begin to understand. oh. what revelation. what insight.
Mack had to forgive his abusive father. He had to forgive his daughter's killer. Hmmm... Let's see, for me, my daughter's killer is someone I love very much.
And for all the "birds singing, flowers blooming - all's right with god's world" imagery - that's not the world we live in. It may be the
real world, but it's not the world we have to live in. That's not my world. To me, this book is just another in an endless stream of "love each other, love god, and everything will be just fine!" spiritually uplifting crap. Only this one isn't even written very well.
I feel that I'm letting Jessica down by not being able to open myself to the story. She obviously wants me to get more from this than my normal angry response. So will I always be this angry? I hear someone say that I'll be angry until I accept what's happened with Anna. Accept it? As in realize I can't change it? What is it I have to do? ... And because I lost her, I know - in a very real, moment to moment way - that I can lose
EVERYTHING in an instant. Do
you know that? Or do you live your life with the illusion that this ordinary day will remain ordinary? In a flash. In the blink of an eye. Think for a moment what is most dear to you - and believe in your heart that it can be snatched from you before you get to the end of this sentence. How does that make you feel? All fluffy and birds singing and flowers blooming? Oh - wouldn't it be enough reason for you to know "that it's more than you can possibly understand" ??
So I'm angry. I think the book sucked. But everyone else loves it and thinks it is a wonderful spiritually uplifting guide to healing relationships (blah blah blah).