Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Julyarn 2

July has been a long rainy & hot month.  I've had enough. Here are projects that I made for extra points or for no points. Clockwise from top left:  sweet Lorraine was the third of three scarves/shawls for my HPKCHC OWL.  Very happy with it.  The next is a quick scarf made from fancy ribbon yarn,  manly gray granite stitch scarf, washcloths for Alisa's  daughter Holly in her new home.  A hat. The long strip of Tunisian crochet steeked into four rectangles. My Nerd Wars dissertation veered off track & I'm trying to get it back to a happy place.
Hurry up August!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Monday, July 15, 2013

OWLs, Phoenix, & Dissertations

HPKCHC & Nerd Wars (Ravelry's competition groups) have big challenges that should take the crafter from two to three months.  I made these pages to celebrate my completed "Advanced Studies" and I want to share them here.  Yes, I am proud.  No doubt I would not have undertaken or completed these projects without the reward of imaginary points & glory.

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Julyarn Stuff

My yarn post so far for July... These are my smaller projects.  The big stuff will get its own post!