This is how the sky looked as I drove home from work around noon today. We're on the outer bands of the clouds of Irene as she batters the coast. The clouds are thick and dark, and moving SO fast. I just hope she brings us some rain - several days of steady rain.
My crochet week plan was disrupted by my inability to make a decision this week. I was so disheartened by my WW experience (staff meetings, surprise weigh-ins, driving time, etc) that I was on the verge of quitting completely. So I backed off the highly-charged emotional topic and decided to give myself another day to consider (as counseled by friends to do). That night, I was asked to cover a meeting as a Leader (which is what I really want to do). Just like that.
*poof* My attitude was completely different. Being the Leader at the meeting is very different from being the Receptionist (which I've been doing for nearly a year - but that meeting is about an hour's drive away). SO! I prepared and did the meeting - felt great about it. Don't know where that leaves me, other than, I'm not ready to quit - JUST YET!
I'm sure it's shocking to those of you who know me well to find out that I have an APP on my iPhone to schedule and track all my crochet projects - when step 1 of project B needs to be completed, etc etc etc. Go figure. This week, instead of happy little smiley faces reassuring me I'm on schedule for xmas deadlines --- I have angry little exclamation marks. "Item Past Due!" Yeah - I know. I'll get right on that. And I will - I have a FOUR DAY WEEKEND coming up next weekend. HOOOOOO-RAY!!! C will be away from Thursday til Monday - so I don't know who will be doing the cooking and cleaning around here! I will be busily crocheting away.
{For any other nerd-heads out there, if you have to keep track of multiple tasks on multiple projects - the APP is called "Complete" and it's $1.99. I ABSO-F***ING-LUTELY LOVE IT}
Stay high and dry, my friends. Or pick one or the other. Just don't drive.