Sunday, January 31, 2010

Snow Days

I don't think we got the foot of snow as predicted, but we had snow coming down for about eighteen hours mixed with sleet. I made a test run to see if I could drive to work. However, I imagine the roads will be a little different at 6:45a.m. tomorrow than today at 3:00 in 45degree sunshine. I haven't done anything all weekend, except my Wii 30-minutes and read a funny little Stephanie Plum novel. And my weekend's almost over! No FAIR!

There just aren't enough hours in a weekend. I demand a recount.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

project progress

The "Jewel" sweater is ready to join at the below the armhole row - getting up courage to do that...

And here is the "Stone Path Hat" ... most difficult pattern so far... it has crochet cables and bobbles.... lions & tigers and bears - oh my!

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I got nothing...

"I got nothing" -- that's what my sister always says when she calls. Nothing. No news. Nothing exciting.

That's me too. I got nothing. I've been hermiting (new word) since going back to work. Jes & JB gave me the Wii and WiiFit for Christmas. It's so wonderful! I have done at least 30 minutes a day EVERY day since I hooked it up Christmas. It takes my mind off the fact that I'm "exercising" - I'm playing. I love the Island Cycling - If the parks & rec department would put up neato "GOALS" to go through on the bike trail, I would SO be there. It's the sense of accomplishment - the effort to top my last personal best. The sweatpants in my house where nobody can make comments about the fat lady huffing and puffing. I love it. It's the first thing I do when I get home in the afternoon after work, and it's the first thing I do on weekend mornings.

I haven't been reading, because the book I'm currently trudging through is a somewhat interesting non-fiction about the most expensive bottle of wine ever sold - which supposedly belonged to Thomas Jefferson - or may have been a fake - or not. It's not compelling at all - lots of wine history - lots of Jefferson history - lots of auction house history.... and it's heading to no conclusion at all. Why am I still reading it? To get to the end. It's probably time to skim.

I have been crocheting. And loving it. I've started the "Jewel" sweater. The pattern works downward from the shoulders, and I'm as far as joining under the armhole openings. It takes quite a bit of concentration, so I don't pull it out unless I have at least an hour to work on. I've also started a "Stone Path Hat" - which is undoubtedly the most difficult pattern I've ever crocheted. I had to write down the row-by-row instructions so I could visually see how the pattern got to Row 12 from Row 1. And it's with really thin yarn and a tiny hook. It's a good lunch-time project for work. And there's always a washcloth to work on while I watch TV or movies.

Watched "Big Fan" with Patton Oswalt last night. Loved it. Thought provoking regular guy story. It's marketed as a comedy - but it's not. More like "drama-lite."

And my home computer has an "anti-virus" virus where it won't let me do anything for constant "You've got a virus - buy our software (or else)" popups. I hate to even think about trying to fix it.

Like I said. I got nothing.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010


I absolutely loved Avatar (in 3D). It was gorgeous - lush - the depth and brightness of colors combined with the 3D gave it an altogether VELVETY feeling. The story was predictable and nothing unusual. But this is by far the most visually stimulating movie I've ever seen. It may be the Wizard of Oz of Elisha's generation. I need to go see it again on the big screen!

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Jewel underway

I've chosen the pattern. I've purchased the yarn. I've started my first garment. It's called "Jewel" - a lovely (HOPEFULLY SIMPLE) pattern for a sweater.
Wish me luck!

Friday, January 1, 2010

"what if" thoughts

If Anna had graduated high school in 2006, she'd be graduating college this spring. Her plan was to major in History and maybe do something in government. I pictured her in the state legislature in Richmond - maybe becoming a lawyer. Or like nearly every other college student, she may have changed her major once she got there. There? Where? which college? Radford? Tech? then we would have been more personally affected by the massacre there in April 2007. What major would she have chosen? She loved music and her history. Would she have gone the 'teacher' route? I can see Anna with little kids, not so much teenagers. She hadn't quite grown into her "assertive Ashley" self.
Or would she have taken a completely different path? Would I have another grandchild? or two? She would've made an excellent mom - just like Jes is. What would their relationship be? And how would Elisha think of his Auntie? Would she have stayed near Danville? Would she have moved away? Would I be sad today because she would've had to "go back home" wherever her home would be? Would she be hanging with Katie in Boston? Arizona?
There would've been heartaches in these past 4 years. Broken hearts. Loser boyfriend(s). Disappointments. Trials and tribulations. But what would the joys have been? Accomplishments. Delights. Sharing emotional good & bads. I've wondered if her road may have been rockier. Drugs. Would her depression have caused different problems? Or would we have been able to manage it? What path would we be on today?
So many 'what if' questions.

I am the proudest mom in the world of Jessica. She has accomplished so much, been so strong, so smart, so absolutely hilarious. She's a great mom, excellent nurse, and she spread much christmas cheer to grinchy old me (or should i say "mii"?). I love you dearly, Jes. I look forward to following you into your future.