I do so love not having to go to work. This is the longest I've gone without an alarm clock since I was about 15 years old on summer vacation. After that, there has been a job, or a baby to care for keeping me from my beloved dreams.
Left to my own devices, I tend to go to sleep around eleven or twelve, then to sleep til eight or nine in the morning. I have been waking up all snuggly warm under the blankets while it's really cold in the house (no need to be paying for heat if nobody's awake to use it!). I lie there and think about how I'll spend my day - what has to be done - which projects are on the top of my list. I absolutely LOVE doing this. After I wake up, some days I stay snuggled for ten minutes, some days I stay for an hour - thinking. Just thinking. It is the best thing about being out of work. The ability to think my thoughts as long as I like.
Today my thoughts concerned christmas 'to-do' - including a walmart run for a short list of last minute recipe ingredients (and Diet Dr Peppers, in case of snow!). So after getting up, I headed to walmart with list in hand. Thankfully, it wasn't busy but after wrangling a buggy, and trudging all the way to the back of the store (where they keep my drug-of-choice), I was exhausted! Completely pooped! I got the sodas and a few dairy items, then I had to sit down on one of those old-men benches at the end of the grocery aisles. I was conscious of looking like the really old folks who make it look like WWII battlefields getting through the store. That's kinda how I felt. I told myself to just keep going - you'll make it! The very idea! It was JUST Walmart, for heavens sake! Checkout was speedy (hooray) and I made it back to my car. And sat. And rested. Apparently, I'm not as recovered as I thought I was. ... I have stopped taking the pain meds, since I'm usually okay. Nighttime is the only difficult time - trying to get my stitches and bandaids situated comfortably. ... Apparently, I need to get out and get used to moving around more. ... Apparently, I'm not twenty anymore.
I've been doing a lot of reading and crocheting and DVD-watching --- none of which are known for their cardiovascular highlights.

But show me someone who has made such a pretty scarf while power-walking? or exercising?
Next week, I will get back to taking walks. Maybe.